choosing cutting silencing
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Marieke and Sharan are intersex. When they meet, they discover that they had the same childhood experiences: doctor visits, surgeries with vague explanations, and being forced to stay silent. At the age of 34, they decide to break their silence. Together, they investigate their medical histories and uncover shocking things. "Choosing, cutting, silencing" is an independently produced documentary that sheds light on a vast and invisible group in society and how they've been treated.

Directors Chris van den Brink, Marieke Schoutsen, Sharan Bala
Camera, sound and editor Chris van den Brink
composition and editor Femke Klein Obbink
audio post production Lars Blakenburg, Patrick Egberts
colorgrade Jelle Helwig
Graphic design john beckers
second camera de transketeers
Third camera Rick lauwens
with support of NNID, VPRO en alle donateurs
Still from documentary

"A gripping and impressive documentary."

~ de Volkskrant


‘Choosing, cutting, silencing’ will premiere on August 2 at 10:50 PM on NPO3. The goal is to screen the film in as many places as possible afterward, to raise awareness about intersex and highlight the rights of intersex children. Would you like to organize a screening or invite the filmmakers to speak? Send us a message.


24 june 2024Pre-premier contributorsFC Hyena, Amsterdam
2 august 2024, 22:50Tv premier NPO3 (VPRO)
Still from documentary


After they met, Sharan and Marieke decided to make a documentary and take control of their own story. Over the course of 3.5 years, "Choosing, cutting, silencing" was independently produced by a small team, including Chris van den Brink (director), who was involved from the beginning and documented the entire process of Sharan and Marieke on camera. The film was then composed with passion and care by Femke Klein Obbink.

The film was made possible with contributions from family, friends, and donors. It has been acquired by VPRO and will premiere on TV. After that, the film will be screened in as many places as possible.

The filmmakers

Marieke Schoutsen

Marieke Schoutsen

Sharan Bala

Sharan Bala

Chris van den Brink

Chris van den Brink

Director, camera & editor
Femke Klein Obbink

Femke Klein Obbink

Composition & editor

What is intersex?

The term intersex refers to the experiences of people who are born with a body that does not fully fit normative definitions of male or female. Intersex is not about sexual orientation or gender identity. Approximately 190.000 people in The Netherlands are intersex (1 in 90 people). Due to shame, stigma, and imposed silence, most intersex people choose secrecy, which means they remain invisible in society.

Medical protocol: choosing, cutting, silencing

"Choosing, cutting, silencing" refers to the medical protocol officially used until 2006 to treat intersex people. The decision was made for many intersex children, at a young age, to be either a boy or a girl. Subsequently, they were subjected to unnecessary and often irreversible treatments to make their bodies conform to societal ideals of male or female. Secrecy was also prescribed.

Surgeries on intersex children continue

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee against Torture urge the Dutch government to protect intersex children in the Netherlands from non-consensual unnecessary medical treatments (NNMTs). However, the government continues to leave the decision for treatment in the hands of doctors and parents. In contrast, other European countries such as Germany, Greece, Iceland, Malta, Portugal, and Spain already provide protection for intersex children.

More information about intersex can be found on the website of NNID:
Still from documentary
Still from documentary


Would you like to write something about our film? Our press kit below is available for publications. Please send a message if you would like to interview the filmmakers.

Press kit

Stills and filmposterDownload
Still from documentary
Still from documentary


Do you have a question about the film? Or would you like to organize a screening or invite the filmmakers to speak? Please send a message using the form below.

© 2024 – Jasper Hartong,